Showing 1 - 25 of 91 Results
Treatise on Magnetism Designed for the Use of Students in the University by Sir George Biddell Airy ISBN: 9781173564445 List Price: $26.75
Sechs Vorlesungen �ber Astronomie : Gehalten in Den Versammlungen der Freunde des Ipswich-mu... by Sir George Biddell Airy ISBN: 9781276486736 List Price: $28.75
Account of the Northumberland Equatoreal and Dome, Attached to the Cambridge Observatory by George Biddell Airy (Sir.) ISBN: 9781174887116 List Price: $18.75
Replies to the Remarks of the Astronomer-Royal and of the Late Camden Professor of Ancient H... by Lewin, Thomas, Sir George B... ISBN: 9781173732455 List Price: $21.75
Account of Pendulum Experiments Undertaken in the Harton Colliery to Determine the Mean Dens... by Sir George Biddell Airy ISBN: 9781173775063 List Price: $17.75
Elementary Treatise on Partial Differential Equations : Designed for the Use of Students in ... by Sir George Biddell Airy ISBN: 9781178561685 List Price: $18.75
Gravitation Volume 20; an Elementary Explanation of the Principal Perturbations in the Solar... by Airy, Sir George Biddell ISBN: 9781231223390 List Price: $14.14
Autobiography of Sir George Biddell Airy by Airy, George Biddell Sir, A... ISBN: 9781360481739 List Price: $18.95
Lecture On The Pendulum-experiments At Harton Pit: Delivered In The Central Hall, South Shie... by Sir George Biddell Airy ISBN: 9781340499372 List Price: $19.95
On the Undulatory Theory of Optics : Designed for the Use of Students in the University by Sir George Biddell Airy ISBN: 9781245412513 List Price: $24.75
Black's Guide to the Trossachs, Loch Katrine, Loch Lomond, Etc by Airy, Sir George Biddell ISBN: 9781236219688 List Price: $19.99
Mathematical tracts on the lunar and planetary theories, the figure of the earth, precession... by Sir George Biddell Airy ISBN: 9781236525338 List Price: $19.99
Treatise on Magnetism Designed for the Use of Students in the University by Airy, Sir George Biddell ISBN: 9781130709742 List Price: $19.99
Mathematical Tracts on the Lunar and Planetary Theories; the Figure of the Earth, Precession... by Airy, Sir George Biddell ISBN: 9781130875416 List Price: $19.99
Mathematical tracts on physical astronomy, the figure of the earth, precession and nutation,... by Sir George Biddell Airy ISBN: 9781130878875 List Price: $14.14
Numerical Lunar Theory by Airy, Sir George Biddell ISBN: 9781130968026 List Price: $14.14
Description of the Reflex Zenith Tube of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich : (forming Appendi... by Sir George Biddell Airy ISBN: 9781279127988 List Price: $15.75
Treatise on Magnetism [Microform] : Designed for the Use of Students in the University by Airy, Sir George Biddell ISBN: 9781290172349 List Price: $23.95
Popular Astronomy a Series of Lectures Delivered at Ipswich by Airy, Sir George Biddell ISBN: 9781290342865 List Price: $28.95
An Elementary Treatise on Partial Differential Equations: Designed for the Use of Students i... by Sir George Biddell Airy ISBN: 9781354696958 List Price: $21.95
Account of Observations of the Transit of Venus, 1874, December 8 by Airy, George Biddell Sir, G... ISBN: 9781360069562 List Price: $30.95
Account of Observations of the Transit of Venus, 1874, December 8 by Airy, George Biddell Sir, G... ISBN: 9781360069555 List Price: $21.95
Autobiography of Sir George Biddell Airy by Airy, George Biddell Sir, A... ISBN: 9781360481746 List Price: $28.95
Gravitation : An Elementary Explanation of the Principal Perturbations in the Solar System by Airy, George Biddell Sir ISBN: 9781362733751 List Price: $25.95
Gravitation : An Elementary Explanation of the Principal Perturbations in the Solar System by Airy, George Biddell Sir ISBN: 9781362733720 List Price: $15.95
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